At my job there is me and 3 other guys that work there besides the owner and occasionally his wife. I really dig all 3 of the guys, 2 of them especially. Well, I was working with guy #2 on Sunday all day. I could tell something was wrong with him, he just wasn't himself all day long. He kept popping pills and was just kinda out of it all day and I could tell he seemed really depressed. They all call me Itty Bitty down there too and all day long he kept calling me Robyn instead. I'm not sure he's ever called me Robyn before so it was really odd. I asked him if he was mad cause he kept calling me by my nae instead of my nickname and he didn't even realize he'd been doing it.
Anyway, long story short, we barely talked all day which is really strange cause generally he's the one I cut up the most with. Then when we got off, he just left... didn't say bye to me or anything.... well I just chalked it up to him having a bad day or whatever and didn't think no more abou tit.
Well, yesterday I'm working with someone else and we see Guy #2 walking down the street holding something. He comes into the store and looks at me and says take a break, we need to talk. So I took my break and went outside with him. He hands me a flower and hugs me really tight and told me he was sorry for the other day. That he was afraid he'd hurt my feelings and it was driving him crazy. So I sat and talked with him for awhile about everythings that's bothering him in his life. Not real sure I helped him any but I think just talking to someone helped a little.
But it was the sweetest thing ever. I'm not used to people being sweet to me anymore.. lol I'm used to them all being assholes all th time.. so it's awesome when someone does something nice for you... even if it was an appology. =)