weekend plans
Busy, Busy weekend coming up. Tomorrow I'm going out to see an old friend of mine that I used to work with. It's her step-daughters birthday, and they have a big party planned for her so we're gonna take Mik to play. =) Should be all kinds of fun. They've got a big water slide and horses and all kinds of stuff. Mik's gonna love it.
Then Sunday my Grandma is fixing dinner for my family to celebrate my birthday since all my family is always out of town every year for my birthday. It's August 3rd for all those sending gifts, hehe ;) I think Christina is gonna stay with us Sunday night, not for sure yet though.
I need to gather a bunch of females and have a girls night out I think. Sean and Terry went out last night again, and when he got home he mentioned that Amy went with them.. so I was like... ummm..why wasn't Robyn invited too then? Assholes lol.
Get to go see Widespread Panic on the 1st of August.. I can't flippin wait for that... get my skinny ass in the pit.. hehe =) I love a good concert, been awhile since I got to go to a good one too, and we're going with a bunch of friends of ours so it should be a blast. Wish I could tak emy camera in with me.. lol
Started my new job at the corner grocery yesterday and I absolutly LUV that job. It's so easy and laid back.. and the people that come in are all friendly and I know half of them lol. Lived in this neighborhood most my life, I can't walk down the street without running into someone. =)
So, Hospice came to check ou tmom yesterday and her tumors have grown so much in her stomach that you cna feel them now thru her skin. And she's gained 10 pounds from the growing. She was having pain in like her elbows and shoulders and Hospice said that the cancer may be moving into her bones now too.
Have I ever mentioned just how much I fucking hate Cancer?