That's Mrs. to you!
Well, things are going pretty good around here lately. I figured out that if you make under 52 thou. a year, that you can file your taxes online at for free. And it's pretty easy. So I did that the other day and got an email today that I should get my refund around Valentines Day... so yay for that. =)
Everything with the concert is going smoothly. Well minus one thing, but I can't talk about that just yet.. Grr. But because of this show, Sean got hired onto as a DJ. It's not a paying job but it's something he's always wanted to do so who cares if it pays or not.. and one day it will if he sticks with it. It pays in other ways though. We can both get into most any concert or show we want to now because of it. That's a bonus. =) Plus, I got an email today from Anvil Grey. They want me to be one of their promoters. =) If I arrange them a paying gig, then I get paid from it as well. Plus, I get to hang out and shit with the band and go to shows. =) Yay! This is all so exciting for us. hehe We're like kids in a candy store right now.
Kinda had a break down the other day. Something happened and I really wanted to talk to my mom about it. It's not the first time since she's died that I've felt the urge to call her, but it was definitly the hardest to get through. I think I've done a great job of coping with this, but every once and again, I just kinda lose it for a little while. *sigh* guess that'll fade.
I think we're going to be moving soon. For one, I'm tired of staring at moms old apt. every day, but for two, I'm sick of this tiny ass place.. lol Sean worked Saturday helping this band film it's video over at Industrial Nightmare... Well, he's walking around talking to Van while the band is working and he points to this barrel with this big foam dead chic coming out of it and says 'I'm gonna take that home with me' and Van says.. Go ahead. lol So he did. And now this big ass barrel with this dead chic is sitting in my dining room next to the kitchen table because it won't fit anywhere else in this house. Nice. It stands about as tall as me. And Mik's not scared of it or anything but sometimes when ya come into the kitchen in the middle of th enight, half asleep, not paying attention, flip the light on and Wham!
It startles you a little bit, no matter how used to it you are. Lmao!