I Was Put Here To Offend.

Feel free to Bleep Off!

Friday, September 17, 2010


I'm here once again to bitch.... lol I'm sorry. and not too many people stop by anymore I don't guess cuz I only get a couple comments here and there but it still makes me feel better just to write it down. ive said that a few times before huh? =)

So my dilema today... double standards... and fuck beating around the bush this time... Back before sean and I split up, some things happened between girl and him. Girl b is girl a's best friend for the record. girl c is also best friends with girls a and b.... I work with girl c. I've never actually exchanged anything unpleasant with any of these girls in person or by email or anything like that. We've never directly said anything negative to each other. In fact It's always been a pretty friendly environment everytime we're around each other. But, there's a mutual dislike that just radiates around us all.... minus girl c, she's kinda a bystander... lol In fact, I've always gotten along very well with girl c.

Now in one of my earlier posts I mentioned something about there being a large group of people who I never contacted when we got back from Fl, simply because Sean had contacted them and was frequently hanging around them.... and I didnt want to take any kind of friendships away from Sean that he had built because before he ws really lacking friends and even tho we werent together I was happy to see he had improved that.. So I never called any of them.. and I did assume that they wouldn't want to talk to me even if i did.. which I apparently was wrong about a few of them, but not these 2 lol.

And, god knows what all he told them about me either.... from what I've gathered, I've been fucking someone else for years now anyway.... I've done some really scandalous things for years and I'm just this terrible person... nothing could have been seans fault and all this was oviously true... Sean says he didn't say all this.. Seans been known to say it just cause it's the easier route to take at that moment too. My opinion is that possibly sean didn't start these rumors about me, but he didn't do anything to defend me from them either. I asked him today why he never defends me against things like this... and his response was to get on facebook and make his status say i love my wife stop picking on her.... it was cute yeah, but the point was that unless i specifically ask him to do it he doesnt take up for me when it counts.

so yeah whatever.. if thats what they were lead to believe than I can see maybe why they dislike me so... but it's not fucking true... so stop being dicks already.. hate me if you like to but stop running your god damned mouths... are you fucking 12?? get a fucking hobby... ugh..

But it's like I told him.. none of them fucks know me, or ever really knew me.. I didn't go around them very much. They may have seen me at a show here and there but that's about the extent of it.. Girl A came over a few times but that was more to stick my husbands cock in her mouth than visit with me.... So to even know what I was doing, or who I was fucking in my spare time isn't even possible... cuz why? cuz they didn't know me like that... but even still, when do i have a chance really to be fucking someone like that all the time? when I have my kid with me cuz I ALWAYS have my kid with me if I'm not at work.... yeah that's when I do it... or at work maybe? yeah then too, that'd have been so hot.. (um ew)

But anyway, today, girl B makes the statement that she doesn't want to hang out with Girl C lately because she might bring her new bff (talkin bout me) with her. This is the first comment from girl B but girl A has been making this comment for weeks now to girl c, and to girl b's boyfriend who also works with us... awe is ya nervous? lol why are you talking to her? your not supposed to like her cuz i dont like her.. blah blah.. whine boo hoo moo bitch. and of course girl c keeps telling me about all these comments she keeps getting from girl b and a and I've been blowing it off but for some reason today she told me about the new bff comment and it just did it for me... I'm so done with this dumb shit... I'm too old to play stupid kid games with two grown females... i'm not doing it.

I'm just curious why they keep going with all this stupid shit... I mean ok you don't like me.. I'm alright with that. I don't like you either.. so we'll just call that one even. Leave it at that. Don't speak to me, and i won't feel the need to speak to you... problem fucking solved. get over yourself already.

And I'm also really tired of all the stupid drama shit that goes around simply from knowing everyone around here...It's always something. if it's not something being said about you it's did you hear about so and so??? omg..... makes you wanna just leave.......but then I think about it and I can't just up and leave......... I don't think my fuck buddy would follow me.


At 2:32 PM, Blogger Osbasso said...

Been too busy over the past week to stop by, but damn! Lotsa drama going on over here!

Best advice...take the high road. It may not be the fun road, but it generally allows you to watch them crash and burn below you!


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