I Was Put Here To Offend.

Feel free to Bleep Off!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

shut the fuck up already.

Ok, so the past week I've had to defend my beliefs over and over and over again... but let me say this... I don't question you when you say you love Jesus and Believe in God and all that jazz... because why? Because I don't fucking care... and it's not my fucking business... believe what you want to believe.. whatever makes you happy and life good is awesome.. believe your little hearts out.. BUT, when I tell you I don't believe in him then don't question me or look at me like I just farted.... leave me the fuck alone. lol I don't have to share your beliefs to be a good person, I don't need some made up being to help me live a good life... and I don't need your god damned hypocritical nonsense opinion about it either... YOU asked ME... I didn't just come up to you and be like hey guess what I don't believe in????? Don't ask questions that you don't really want the answers to.... Your belief in god doesn't make you any better of aperson than i am. DEAL WITH IT.... lol And leave me alone. Please. For fucks sake... Please!


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