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Tuesday, June 08, 2010

No I can't get it.... lol

I think I get to get my kitty's tonight. =) Misses my kitties.... they've been over at my apt by themselves for like 2 weeks now. I go every day and feed em and give em fresh water and love em for a bit but I can tell Zoe is pissed.. lol So hopefully they get walls put up downstairs today and I can go get my babies. =)

Got into this discussion with my grandma over Poision Ivy today... she was under the impression, like almost everyone is, that EVERYONE can get it..... but that's just not true... I can't. i've tried and still can't. I've had people not believe me so I've like picked it and rubbed it on my skin before and still nothing...... you have to be allergic to it in order for the rash to develop or whatever and I'm just not allergic to it... and neither is Sean and I don't think Mikayla is either. Sean has had it before but very mildly and it's been well over 12 years since he got it cause he wasn't with me at the time. I've been camping with people who have gotten it off of some of the wood we'd use for the fire but not me.. lol it's kinda weird but it's also kinda nice... for me anyway... haha I'm always th eone that gets sent into the woods tho looking for wood cause I can touch whatever....

I'm the only person I've ever met tho who has had Lyme Disease before tho.... got it from a tick that looked like a fucking freckle on th eback of my knee when I was 17. Went thru almost 7 months of antibiotics and treatments to get rid of it... leg turned like greenish purple.. it was ugly..... BUT, you can only get that once too.... so I've got all the camping illnesses covered... lol

Was gonna go camping this weekend back to the gorge with Bernie and his girly and another friend of ours but I don't think I wanna. I kinda wanna just stick around home and get our new place in order..... you know I'm tired if I'm turning down camping.... lol

Gonna go pick out tile and paint today for the new bathroom downstairs.... hopefully it's not like horribly hot today. Felt great yesterday!! =)


At 10:30 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

shit mark will get poison ivy if the wind blows in his direction! LOL he has serious skin issues anyway tho... hope my babies dont have his funky lil disease!!


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