I Was Put Here To Offend.

Feel free to Bleep Off!

Friday, June 04, 2010

3 letters in your name......

I just have a quick message for a certain someone. =)

You deleted me on facebook but I know you still look at my blog cuz I got a tracker and can see your ip address everytime u look.... And I know you're prolly only looking at it in order to hit that little OHNT button so that maybe...just maybe... you'll get to see another picture of me...... so I figured I'd go ahead and put your mind to rest you stupid fuck.... I have no camera.... not even on my phone anymore so no HNT or OHNT for me til I get one...... but I think it's fucking hillarious that you don't wanna "be my friend" on a stupid gathering website but you'll still "stalk" (like you're so good at anyway hahahahahaha) my website trying to see me naked.... you're not only retarded, but you're also pathetic..... I sure hope u have a nice life you fucking idiot.




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