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Monday, August 01, 2005

Take a deep breath...... and release

Ahhh, what a great weekend. Seen all my friends, visited my mom, played with my kiddo. Couldn't get any better than that. Took MOnday off from work, yippee!!! Prolly not Yippee for poor Shannon since we keep each other company all day, sorry Shan-Shan. =) Set up Miks pool today and invited the neighbor kids over to swim so she'd have some friends to play with. We all swam forever, it was great. Wasn't too hot outside, but the pool still felt like bathwater.
I'm gonna shoot Roxy though if we can't come up with some way of keeping her punk ass in her pen. Went and bought some rebar today, thought that would work, nope. So I put a shit load of cinder blocks up where she keeps squeezing through, she just found another place. Now you all have to picture this. I'm sure everyone knows how much room there is between the ground and a chain link fence....... Well........ I have a ST. BERNARD.... yea, a ST. BERNARD....... and she will still get her big ass underneath the fence, and around the rebar. Like she's a damned cat or something. it's driving me nuts. I'm going to go get me enough cinder blocks to totally line the fence with on both sides, that'll stop her, until she figures out how to pick shit up that is, and I'm sure she'll figure it out sooner or later, she's just like that. Should have named her ass Houdini instead of Roxanne.
Well, just ate a kick ass dinner (as usual) lol, if theres one thing about us Durkins, we always eat well, and we can all cook good too hehe. SO guess I'll go hang out with the fam till the kiddos bedtime. Seans got an interview tomorrow with some company to be a security guard, so cross fingers for that. We talked about everything and I think we've decided that once I'm out of school, we're gonna move to the country somewhere.... it's just been in my head lately and nothing sounds more fab than to have about 5 acres in the middle of nowhere. ahhhhhhh.
Congrats to Josh and Deena too. They bought their very first house this past week. Went and seen it Saturday, it's too cute, just perfect for the 2 of them. I can't wait to see how they fix it up and everything.
Moms first chemo treatment went well, she didn't get sick from it. She said she felt kinda tingly though, but she can deal with that alright. One really strange side effect though.... she can't eat drink touch or feel anything cold. They said if she ate or drank anything cold it would feel like dry ice going down, doesn't sound too pleasent. And she can't even open the fridge door because of the cold.. wonder how that works in the winter time? hmm... anyway, so far so good.... Gonna keep praying about it though.
Well, going now..... ta-ta


At 8:14 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Glad the chemo is going well so far.


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