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Sunday, September 04, 2005

Labor Day

Got out of the shower yesterday afternoon, walked out into the living room and guess who was sitting on my couch? Shannon and Adam. Shannon is getting to good at this keep shit from Robyn crap..... don't think I like that too much. =) She says Adam wanted to come see us for the long weekend cause he loves us so much. =) Which is totally understandable...... how could you not love me that much? hehe
Deena's brother and his girlfriend are in town right now too, so Friday night we had everyone over to hang out and visit with them. It's kinda nice to see Tim, haven't seen him since before I had Mik. He was in town right after I had her but I don't remember if I seen them or not then, I think I did but I'm a pothead and can't remember. =)
Gonna drop my GRUMPY kid off at Lindas this afternoon and go out to eat with Shannon, Adam, Grandma, Harold, Mom and L.C. Yay Golden Corral! =) And yay for long weekends too! Gonna go to the gorge in a couple weeks, pretty excited about that. No past time I love any more than camping!! And this trip will make 3 for me for the year. Pretty fucking neat considering that since Mik has been here, we've only gotten to go once a year, and this year we'll get to have 3 trips. I cant wait till she's a little older so she can go too. I hope she loves camping like we do. =)


At 7:48 AM, Blogger ~Manda said...

im sure mik will love camping because she is JUST LIKE YOU!!! so there is no reason why she wouldn't! :)


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