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Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Oh 7.............

K, so I seen this on another blog recently and it seemed like a good idea.

7 things I wish I had:

1. More time at home
2. Better pay
3. 50 acres of land
4. Animals to play on my 50 acres of land.
5. Better health
6. A cure for cancer
7. A digital camera

7 things I can do better than most (Not that I'm any better than anyone I know)

1. Read and write
2. My job
3. Drive
4. Cook
5. Focus on the good in everything
6. relate to animals
7. Make my kiddo stop crying (which is my most favorite trait)

7 things I can not do for crap

1. Keep a clean house (not that I really try that hard)
2. Sing (anyone thats heard me before will agree hehe)
3. Ice skate (but I don't like the cold so thats ok)
4. Keep everyone happy
5. win the damned lottery
6. manage to save money
7. drive a manual transmission vehicle

7 people I find to be HOT

1. Matt Damon
2. Brad Pitt
3. Vin Deisel (all he really needs to do is talk to get me going)
4. umm..... theres prolly hundreds more but I can't think of any right now. =)

7 people I consider friends

1. Manda
2. Sean of course
3. Deena
4. Josh
5. Mark
6. Candace
7. My mommy =)
8. Andy (had to add one more, since I'm bad and didn't put it at first..... I Loooove you andy!!! =) )


At 6:17 AM, Blogger ~Manda said...

HA... you see that people!?!?!?!?! im # 1
ONE!!!! HA! :D
hee hee j/k

At 6:19 AM, Blogger ~Manda said...

OOOO andy's not gonna be happy that he didnt make the friends list... thus proving that you can't keep everyone happy! LOL IM JUST KIDDIN!!!! hee hee

At 8:49 AM, Blogger Robyn said...

Oh I'm sorry, you'r so right.... you are definitly #1 Mikey, hehe. =) a matt damon, brad pitt, mikey d sandwich?? hmmmmmm...... how bout fries?


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