I Was Put Here To Offend.

Feel free to Bleep Off!

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

I'm so smart. =)

Haven’t blogged in a few days. Don’t really have anything exciting to report on. Seans still job hunting… grr… he finds out at 4 today if he got the job he interviewed for yesterday though. crosses fingers It would be great to be able to pay all our bills again. We haven’t fallen too far behind, just about a month, and that’s only on a few, not on all of them so I guess that’s really not that bad.
On a lighter note, I got a call from my school yesterday. They told me that based on my grades for my general classes, I’m at a 4.0 right now ~flex~ so they bumped me into the smart people class hehe starting with Biology. I’m kinda excited about that though, sounds hard but hard is good in my eyes when it coms to school. The harder it is the more I’m gong to learn right?
Asked my boss for a raise again yesterday, and again he says “well when we get more business I’ll take care of you” um, last time I checked, business was booming here, and we add new accounts every day, how damned much more business does he want to get before his cheap ass will give me 50 friggin cents? Oh grrrrr.
Been talking to Shannon more and more about moving to Mt. Sterling. I can’t wait till I finally get my dream country setting, I was meant to be on a farm lol. It’ll be a year or better though before we can move. I have to stick around Louisville until my mom gets better, I could never leave her right now. =( Hopefully she doesn’t leave me either.
Hehe on a totally different note, anyone that stops by my blog, make sure to go read my best friends also, lol she’s got a question on there that she needs some opinions on, it’s too good to miss out on, hehe. So go check her out at http://princessmandasblog.blogspot.com/


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