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Wednesday, August 24, 2005

I've been tagged.....

I just realized that I've been tagged. hehe Sorry I'm kinda slow to catch on sometimes lol. And maybe it's just cause I'm a re but I can't make my blog put links in, it hates me lol. So I'm supposed to list 10 sings that I'm currently digging right now. This is gonna be difficult since I hardly listen to the radio, hehe.

1. My Hump by the Black Eyed Peas (Not sure if thats what its actually called or not but it's a cool song)
2. Soldier by The Dixie Chicks (I have this cd at work so it's one of the only things I listen to all day)
3. Anything by Sublime (I love sublime)
4. ah geez, this is difficult lol............ How about I just list some of my favorite singers and groups instead? hehe
5. My all time fave is Annie Lennox
6. Sarah McLauclin (I'm sure I spelled that really wrong)
7. Hush Little Baby by Eminem (lol go from Annie Lennox to Eminem, I think he's pimpin though, love his beats)
8. The theme to Scooby Doo..... now this isn't by choice but I do hear it every single day.. hehe
9. ok, my mind has gone blank lol imagine that.... =)

Ok, so now i tag.......... Manda and since all my other blog friends have already been tagged, I guess Manda's my only one. =)


At 11:10 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I love Sarah McLaughlin too!

At 7:45 AM, Blogger ~Manda said...

ok.. i'll do mine.. :) it'll just take a minute! :)


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