I Was Put Here To Offend.

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Sunday, August 13, 2006

The results are in......

I meant to post the results to my game too...

1. was Os. I've gotten to get closer to him here lately and he's a great guy to have on your side. Always willing to listen to me ramble. hehe =)
2. is Exile... We talk to him both by email and on yahoo. He's become a pretty good friend of bot of ours and man we can find some interesting shit to occupy our time together. *wink* lol
3. is Terry. Somedays I think he thinks the world of us then somedays I think he's just aggravated like crazy with me so I never really know what he actually thinks. =) We all always have a lot of fun together.
4. is my Manda... theres just no one like her in my heart. We can't always agree all the time but thats ok.... we still know how to have fun together. =)
5. is Amy. She's a really cool chic. I love our conversations and the fact that we can talk about just about anything with each other. And we always keep each toher company when our guys runn off.. lol
6. is Andy.. he hasn't stopped by to claim his place yet but that's ok. I love Andy and miss him a whole whole lot. I can't WAIT till he gets to come visit.
7.is my cousin Shannon. I don't get to talk to her or see her as much as I'd like to but regardless of how long we go without talking nothing ever changes. She's awesome and I hope our friendship remains like this forever. =)
8. is Christina. We've just recently gotten close but I'm so glad we did. Despite the fact that we are related, I think we'll always be great friends.


At 3:36 PM, Blogger Moosekahl said...

That was a pretty accurate description of Os. We've been friends for 10 years now and he really is an amazing guy...don't tell him too often though, he'll start thinking pretty highly of himself :)

At 5:23 PM, Blogger exile said...

now i have OS envy...



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