I Was Put Here To Offend.

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Friday, August 11, 2006

Little game... please play along.

So yet again, I've been tagged. =)

I'm supposed to think of 8 friends of mine that I know read my blog. Then I'm supposed to write a little something describing my friendship with each person, but not list who the person is.. Then you're supposed to guess which of the descriptions is you. And leave a comment like "Hey, I think #4 is me" and when all the votes are in, I'll let you know the answers. =)

Being the special one that I am though, I'm adding my own little rule. I'm listing aperson or two that I know is reading, but doesn't leave comments. So to those people.. email me your guess instead of leaving a comment. I'm going to try really hard not to say wether it's a he or a she too, just to make it harder. hehe

And since I don't usually tag others.... I'll tag the ones that I list. If you're one of th ones I chose to describe. then you've been tagged to do it too... unles of course you don't have a blog.. lol

1. This person is someone I talk to almost every day. I read this persons blog every day as well, but don't always leave comments cuz my puter doesn't like their blog for some reason. I go to this person when I need someone to talk to, they never act like they don't want to talk to me, unless work beckons of course and I consider them a very good friend of mine. =)

2. This person I've become pretty damned close to I think. They are not only my friend, but Seans too. We even talk dirty to each other from time to time. I'm really jealous of their pet. =) We've talked about aranging a visit with each other next year.

3.This person I'm not always sure of our friendship. Sometimes I think they really like me, but then sometimes I wonder. I know this person beyond the internet. I sometimes get too nosey and I think that pisses them off. Seanand I both really love this person though. This person is way high on our totem pole of friends. I'm not sure this person knows exactly how much they mean to us.

4. I also know this person beyond the internet. We've had our "spats" but I don't think anything has been tarnished. Theres a place in my heart for this person that will never go away. I frequently visit this persons blog too, and almost always leave comments. I hope to grow old together.

5. This person is a really cool person. I've never had a friend like this person before, it's hard to get off the phone with them once you get on it. =) I've never gone out with this person and NOT had a friggin blast. I'm very thankful I found this person. Another of my best friends.

6. This person is someone I love very much. I consider them one of my very very very bestest friends. This person always tells me exactly what's on their mind, regardless of how it sounds, and I love that about them. This person is very dear to my daughter as well. We have lived together before.

7. This person used to religiously read my blog but I'm not sure they do anymore. I have more in common with this person than with any other person I know. We grew up together, my mom practically raised them. I don't get to see this person as often as I'd like but that doesn't affect our friendship at all. We can always pick up where we last left off. I'd die without this person in my life.

8. This person is one I talk to every day as well.. Either by phone, in person or email. I've gotten really close to them and I'm very grateful for that. We can talk about anything. We have a lot of things in common, and may one day live togehter. =0)

So there ya have it. I tried to make em kinda hard, but not too hard. It'll be interesting to see who thinks which one is them. =) Don't forget though.. if you made the list, then you've also been tagged by me. =) Luvs.


At 8:04 AM, Blogger ~Manda said...

i think im 4 ;)

At 9:03 AM, Blogger Robyn said...

TGeazy emailed me and guessed that he was #3....
just trying to keep it updated lol.

At 3:05 PM, Blogger exile said...

Hey, i'm #2!

i so rock!
and yes, i feel close to you and grand master Sean (in the hizz-ouse)


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