I'm almost done bitching i think... lol
my mom took more care of you than anyone else did... if anyone is your mother it's her.. your mom was a piece of shit. shows alot about you that you didnt even mention her.
was told today..."he doesnt like or trust you because you smoke pot" now the "he" in mention stopped me the other day and said "i got these pills i need to get rid of to buy some food for my kids" And of course I'm not helping him sell no fucking pills.. im not quite like that but still.. how you gonna say your kid cant come hang out with me cause i occasionally smoke pot but yet you can buy her dinner with some drug money??? that makes a bunch of sense...
lol I hate people.
have u noticed that? hehe
On a brighter note.. we have everything.... but the cats, at our new apt.... and the cats come home tonight... yaaaaaaaaay. I gets my babies tonight hehe... but yep its all here now... I'm so happy... hehe
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