I Was Put Here To Offend.

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Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Bows, and paper and bags oh my!

So, as you can see. Mik's birthday party was a huge success. I was worried that there wouldn't be any kids for her to play with but there ended up being 10 kids including her. Amy and Terry and their clan came, that contributed 4 kids to the mix, and my cousin actually came. Yep the one I've been bitching about, she came and brought her two kiddos. I was so happy to see them there and she has no idea how much it meant to Grandma that she came. And if I hear of one person saying that it stunk, I'm gonna hunt them down and brutally cut off their noses cuz it didn't smell like anything but garlic bread. =)
I was worried we wouldn't have enough food, but gawd at the leftovers we had.. lol and when we pulld out the gifts... you couldn't even see Mikayla sitting in front of them cuz there were so many.. lol She got tons of shit... and she loved all of it. Mom got her a musical jewelry box and I'm so happy because it was Mik's favorite thing she got. See mom collects music boxes and Mik's always asking her to start them for her cuz she loves listening to them. So now she has her own. I had a little talk with her about how she needs to take extra special care of that box. I can't tellher that her mamaw isn't going to be here much longer but I told her that one day when mamaw isn't here anymore, then she'll be very glad she took care of it because she can play it and think of her mamaw. =) =( So hopefully she doesn't break it. I thought about putting it out of her reach but she loves it so much I want her to be able to use it. So I just keep an eye on it.

Got some real bad news yesterday... a good friend of ours house got broken into and the people that robbed them hurt them both pretty bad. =( I fucking hate people like that... get a fucking job assholes... stop robbing people. I hope they both heal up and can get on with everything, but I'm pretty sure they will be moving rather quickly. They are kinda scared to be home by themselves now. Not gonna mention who it is though as they've asked us not to tell, so don't ask.

Well, gotta run, I have to walk to the UPS store cuz I got a notice yesterday that I have something there... No idea what it could be unless someone out of town sent Mik a present... *shrug* Anywho... have a great day everyone. =)


At 8:47 AM, Blogger exile said...

i'm sorry to hear about your friends, some people are just fucking savages.

the worst part about having someone break into your home is that feeling that you're never really safe there.

sanctuary lost.

i hope those punks are caught soon and i hope none of that drama follows you guys home either.

At 10:45 AM, Blogger ~Manda said...

wow that sucks sorry to hear that, and i hope "whoever" gets better soon!

glad mik had an awesome bday!

At 7:29 PM, Blogger BKS said...

That indeed is sad about your friends being robbed. IMO if the legal system had tougher punishments for the lowlife pieces of trash when they DO get caught it would end sooooo much crime but the little "overnight stays" and slaps on the wrist do nothing to stop them. Prayers go out to them.

Glad to hear Mik had some kids show up to her party. You have such a lovely family.....love the pics of y'all and its almost like we know ya. Hopefully Mik will know exactly what that music box is one of these days.

Best wishes


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