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Friday, May 19, 2006

My Faithful Followers

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I'm supposed to be doing this demonstrator thing tomorrow for the first time. I've like filled out all my paperwork and took the training and whatever to do it, and I've received the little card thing they use in the mail.... and I've spoke with my lady and she told me tomorrow at ___ Kroger, bring a microwave, (yea iknow, but I'll get paid 30 x-tra for bringing it. so I'm taking my moms really small one.) She then tld me she'd call at a later time. Never heard from her. And I've lost her phone number. I've contaced the website or whatever but who knows how often those are read ya know... I don't want to not show up yet not call her at all either specially on my first job. I guess it's my fault for losing her number or for not searching her number beforehand.. but I thought I knew where her number was written down at.
See, I have a 3 year old... nuff said. piece of paper is gone...fact that answering machine is unplugged most the time..... lol
Soooooo.... I think first thing in the morning, I'm gonna call Kroger. If they know what it is that I'm supposed to be handing out, and the times I'm supposed to be there.. I'll just go and do it and then worry about hunting them down later for pay. But if Kroger thinks I've lost my mind... then I'm not sure what to do. *Shrug*
Yes I deleted a post. I saved it as draft actually and I still have the comments which I love. =) Thanks.
To recap that one though for those that missed it...
Grandmas surgery went well yesterday.... she was in and out in 4 hours. She helped me make dinner tonight.. Cabbage, fried taters and cornbread... hell yea.. does it really get better than that? =) ahhhhh
Moms doctor said her belly was healing great, took the stales out and said I'm not the treatment doctor, I'm the surgeon... talk to him. =) We talk to him next thursday I believe. But this one did kinda say.... no chemos gonna help to any extent.... want some pain pills?
Oh Oh Oh.... and my moms gonna go camp with me. We went to wal mart and spent waaaaay to much money (hers not mine lol, I gots all my supplies.... I'm a pro) but we got her an air mattress, and a coffee perculator cuz she really wanted one. She got fancy shmansy hotdoggy sticks... I just use nature hehe. She's silly.. but whatever makes it fun for her. We're gonna rent a boat one day. I'm sure ot have TONS of pictures.... maybe thats when I'll debut what I've been learning about videoblogging and my digital camera... Yea...... =)


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