I Was Put Here To Offend.

Feel free to Bleep Off!

Sunday, May 14, 2006


Don't give a fuck who likes it,
Don't really give a fuck who don't
Tired of always trying to please you
Don't count on it happening cuz it won't.
You think your opinions matter to me
But who the hell are you?
Some idiot who writes me occasionally
There aren't many people who tell me what to do.
I do what I feel I need to..
I don't need to run it past you first.
I'm tired of finding out your running your mouth
I'm barely your friend for what it's worth.
Friends don't talk behind your back,
they don't snicker about ya when your not there
When your sad they cut you some slack
And they are supposed to always care....
So, if you feel the need to write your peeps and say look what robyn did now...
Then also feel free to get a fukkin life..... need someone to show you how?

This is in response to an email I received from someone I won't name, but they forwarded me a conversation that someone I know had with them last week about me. They were talking about my post about my mom and what the doctors told us and how they thought it was just totally terrible of me to "share her business with the world". Umm.... what's the point of a blog? Right.... to share your business witht he world.. am I right? I mean, you don't write something on the internet if you want to keep it secret, DUH. You're just a fukkin idiot, plain and simple..
Does other people get thi smuch shit for their blogs? lol It's becoming more and more funny to me... I write about my daughter and people email me and tell me that I shouldn't do that cuz what if someone seen her out with me and recognized us? I'm not a scared person.. I've been chased by people trying to kill me before, I've been attacked, I've had abuse in my lifetime... I'm a pretty smart girl i think.. I'm not gonng hide in a corner on the off chance that soeone might recognize me.... ugh... I've had emails about me doing HNT and how wrong that is, I don't care if you like it or not.. if you dont like it, don't look.. plain and simple.. I've gotten emails about my pictures, I'v gotten emails about my language... what is my kids happened across your page and every other word they seen was fuck? Well FUKKIN sorry but I won't watch my language just cuz you can't figure out how to work the parental controls on your computer, or because your oto fukkin lazy to monitor what your child is doing... fuckers. lol It just kills me... I do this because it gives me a place to write things I've been thinking and to get feedback from my FRIENDS who know how to give constructive critisim. I'm NOT going to stop blogging... I'm NOT going to change what I put on here just to please you.. I'm NOT worried about pissing you off and I AM VERY tired of the threatening emails so please.... take this with every inch of me.... FUCK OFF Steve_O1942@yahoo.com. Yea I gave out your address... ya like that don't ya? He seems to havbe a problem with the word FUCK. lol


At 12:10 PM, Blogger Osbasso said...

I am amazed at the number of people who just don't get it...

At 7:34 AM, Blogger Robyn said...

Lol, I'm thinking about it..

At 12:48 PM, Blogger Robyn said...

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