I Was Put Here To Offend.

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Tuesday, February 09, 2010

I'm still here =)

It's been a good long while since I posted obviously.

Sean and I are back together now. And we are happier than ever. Things are going really well and he's been showing me how much he appreciates me and our daughter every day.

We are both working and looking around trying to find an apartment close to our jobs but so far we haven't turned up anything. We will though.

I havevery limited internet access so I can't post regularily yet but I'll get back to it eventually. Thank you to htose who havebeen checking in on me. I luv you guys. Makes me feel good to know theres someone thinkin about me. =)

I asked ina previous post butgot no response so OBVIOUSLY he doesn't read my blog anymore, but Exile I'd love your phonen umber again if you would email me. =)

Os has been helpin me out postin pics so I can be found here and there still. =)

Hope all is well with everyone. I'll be back soon. =)


At 9:28 AM, Blogger 13messages said...

Congrats on you and Sean. And good luck on all of the rest.


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