I Was Put Here To Offend.

Feel free to Bleep Off!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


I'm not good with the click thru thing, I've been taught it twice now and still can't remember the code to do it.. haha so I'll just show em both. ;) Happy HNT... find me lurking elsewhere if ya can. ;)


At 8:51 PM, Blogger 13messages said...

You're so beautiful to view. And is Horatio, um, lurking nearby? :)

At 10:37 PM, Blogger Osbasso said...

You're just cute, aren't you? :-)

At 3:02 AM, Blogger exile said...

omg! i f'n love that top pic!

beautiful, sexy, all in one!

At 3:31 AM, Blogger Mike said...

who cares about chlick thru`s? i don`t for one as you have posted two wonderful photos of yourself right here!
A very HHNT

At 4:58 AM, Blogger Ashly Star said...

You're so cute! These pictures rock.

Happy HNT!

At 6:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

great pics!
love it.

At 7:26 AM, Blogger Vixen said...

Fabulous! You are too cute but sexy too! :)

At 12:36 PM, Blogger Jennybean said...

hmmmm... I've seen that somewhere...


At 5:31 PM, Blogger Kittie Kate said...

Upload 2 images to blogger. The image you want them to click we'll call "click_me.jpg". The secret image we'll call "secret.jpg"

Set up the code just like this (except change the []s to those other things, I forgot what they're called).

[a href = "secret.jpg"][img src = "click_me.jpg"][/a]

I hope that makes sense. I'm learning HTML and it's a lot of fun. Plus, guys' eyes light up when you know somethings about computers that they don't.

Great picture by the way.

Happy HNT!

At 1:51 AM, Blogger Lapis Ruber said...

Both pics are lovely! Happy HNT (even though it's Friday already)

At 10:23 PM, Blogger Moosekahl said...

I so love the purple! Adorable...

At 3:26 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Remember me? Email me if so. Robynmdurkin@gmail.com

At 3:27 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I miss you. Email me or find me on fb.. Robynmdurkin@gmail.com


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