I Was Put Here To Offend.

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Wednesday, September 05, 2007

fucking family

It's been a rough couple days.

Yesterday at work, I had an opportunity to cover for someone and work today from 11-630... so I called my (evil) grandma to see if she could watch Mik for me. She told me she would if I would let her bring her to her house... which I won't do. I told her no, I'd rather her keep her at my house instead and she asked why... so I told her I just had reasons... and she said "Is it because of that shit you made up when you were little about Daryl?"

Daryl is my uncle, my dads brother... and he molested me and my friend when I was 6 years old. My grandma (the evil one) told me to lie in court and threatened me, so I lied.. and he got off. I've managed my whole life to not be alone with him ever, and things have always been fine, I've just kept that memory in the back of my mind anytime he is near me... and when he's near my daughter it really drives me crazy and I won't let her out of my sight around him.

Well, when I told her yes, that was the reason I didn't want my kid at her house without me she went off on me... started calling me ungrateful, and a liar and telling me that "he was just playing with you girls and you all took it the wrong way" to which I responded with "You don't play with children with your dick out of your pants" Man she didn't like that "don't talk to me that way.." and she hung up on me.... so I let it go. It's not the first fight I've been in with her.....

well, she calls back... now mind you.. I'm AT WORK during ALL of this. I'm sitting in the back of Blimpies yelling at my grandmother about the perverted things my uncle did to me as a child and having to explain to her why my kid won't be around him.... nice huh? Well, to make a long story short, she told me I was a liar, and that she told Daryl about what I said (like I fucking care) and (of course) he doesn't remember any of it... like he's really just gonna sit and chat with his mom about the dirty things he did to 2 little girls years and years ago..... but, then she says, you're not welcome out here at my house anymore, I'm not watching Mikayla for you anymore and I'm never doing anything for you again.

The part that upsets me is that to this day she still doesn't believe me... I really don't care that I'm not welcome at her house cause I never went anyway... I don't like being around him and I hate more than anything having my beautiful little girl around him so we just don't go. Mik is a really pretty little girl, she looks way older than her age, she's the age I was when he did that to me, and she looks damned near EXACTLY like I did at that age.... so if he was "attracted" to me, he'd be attracted to her too and I'd fucking kill him if he even patted her on the butt wrong. Not to mention what Sean would do. Don't even wanna think about that.

So, I spent the entire evening upset over this..... and today I wake up and my throat is killing me, my nose is all stopped up and my ears aren't working....

great. How was your day?


At 11:26 AM, Blogger Osbasso said...

You're obviously doing the right thing here. I find it hard to believe that even after all this time, she doesn't believe you! Good for you for standing your ground!

At 8:52 PM, Blogger BKS said...

i wish you had a better family environment. Sad when your own grandma won't believe you. Like Os said you are right in this so stand up for what you know is right. ((((HUGS))))

At 7:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

He's a pig and Granma is just in denial...Don't let her refusal to believe you get you so upset...she has to answer to God one day and so does he. You are doing the right thing by keeping your daughter away...I hope that God has healed you from all of the hurt, anger and betrayel that you must have experienced.

At 5:41 AM, Blogger ~art said...

child molesters should be killed. no exceptions

At 12:16 PM, Blogger Robyn said...

Thank you everyone. I've been so hurt by all this for the past few days and to read all your nice comments and get support from you all is awesome. I love you all. I really mean that.

Evelyn- you had commented on another post I made and asked about my mom and chemoembalization.... I tried to respond by email but I don't have your email address so I hope you read this.

My momma passed away last October. =( She did do the treatmenet though and it seemed to do some good but her cancer had spread to her stomach already and she just couldn't fight it any longer. The embalization that they did on her was on her liver... she had a tumor that was pressing against the main artery in your liver and they tried the procedure to shrink the tumor enough that it would move off that artery so they could do the surgery.. and it worked excellent.. it took her from 75% liver failure to only 35% in 3 weeks.. it's a remarkable technique they have now... but when they opened her up, they seen the cancer all through her stomach and said it wasn't even worth it and just closed her up. They gave her a year that day and she made it 8 months.

At 12:18 PM, Blogger Robyn said...

and WORD... to art. I totally agree. To take the innocence from a child is the worst thing anyone can do and there isn't a punishment fit for that at all.


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